Hello My forum freinds
(Oh No, when ever Fuzzle Guy starts off with a "Hello" or a greeting of some sort, you know it's gonna be a long debating thread)
Recently (About Late December time) I discovered a Starwars website called supershadow.com
The website known as www.supershadow.com is the official website of George Walton Lucas, the creator of such Box Office hits as "Star Wars 1-6" or "Indiana Jones, 1-4" and it contains vast amounts of information about Star Wars. All of the force powers, all of the characters, and you ca neven ask George Lucas any question you want and he will answer it. It had the scripts of Episode I-III before they even came out, and now, he has the scripts for episode VII-IX. Supershaodws website is truly amazing.
Now read this.
Supershadow claims to be the best freind George Lucas has ever had. SS had the plot scrpit for Episode I in 1998. It was completely incorrect. They were already near enough finished filming by the time he had the plot scipt up, and being GL's best freind, don't you think he would have it correct. You can't be excused by saying this is a rough draft. The same goes for II-III.
SS has the plot scripts for Episodes 7-9 up and running on his website. In a section where you can ask George Lucas anything you want, George Lucas says that Supershadow will be in charge of producing the future movies of Star Wars. He has already chosen the directors he wants for Episode 7-9 (Which apparently begin Production in 2014, for a 2021 theatrical release).
Yes, George Lucas has said himself (In Numerous Interviews) that Episodes 7,8,9 will be made, but he will not directing them. He never said he will not be producing them. GL owns all rights to Star wars and he intends to keep it that way. I highly doubt he'll let some 22 year old guy named Mickey Suttle, who is on the Sex Offenders list, be in charge of producing his masterpiece. George Lucas is in his Mid sixties for gods sake, it's very unlikely that his best bud is a guy from a different age group from him. Look at all his closest freinds which we know exist (Spielberg, Howard etc.). They are all around the same age group as him. I know this does happen, but it is more difficult to bond with someone who is a lot younger than you, than it is to bond with someone born within the same decade as you.
I won't go on anymore, I have a lot more evidence supporting the fraudulent supershadow, and a lot of Evidence supporting the real Supershadow, but I don't want to show these just let. I want to see what everyone thinks so far without me forcing an opinion on them. check out the Website and see for yourself:
Please post your thoughts about this and please, please vote. My Filmmaking Carrier depends on your votes (I'll tell you why later).
If you want to post an opinion though, please don't just take a 2 minute glance at the site, study it, some things support the evidence more than others.