And mawk, how could you say that? Futurama better than Family Guy? Not even possible. Space Ghost is pretty funny though...
I can say that because it's my
And yes, I find Futurama funnier than family guy. Thus, it is in my opinion, better than Family Guy. I can sit through an entire episode of Family Guy and not even laugh once, finding myself distinctly unimpressed by it, but so far I haven't watched a single episode of Futurama without at least once being in tears with laughter.
One of my favourite futurama jokes was the one where Bender was asked to shock the professor (because the professor was unconscious) so Bender shouted "Your tax return is late! Things cost more than they used to! Young people use curse words!" at the professor.
That kind of joke will always be (for me) phenominaly funnier than the somewhat tiresome Pinky and the Brain ripoff baby who has aspirations of world domination. It's almost as bad as the Invader Zim "DOOM!" joke.
The whole cartoon plays off like the classic American family sitcom, which is a format I loathe with a vengeance. It just does nothing for me.