Oddworld Forums > Zulag One > Oddworld Discussion

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07-13-2001, 09:49 AM
Crazy Vykker
: Apr 2001
: Vigo, Spain
: 235
Rep Power: 24
Crazy Vykker  (10)
For Abe Babe and Sydney, about Oddworld support

I only want question you if Oddworld give you some type of support?. Give you some type of illustration, or screens or information every certain time for your web pages? . (It´s only curiosity)

I question this because I have seen the marvellous artworks from the news minigalleries (and another incredible illustrations of your web pages)and some of them I never had seen before.

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07-15-2001, 02:38 AM
Alf's Avatar
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: Apr 2001
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I can answer that. Oddworldian and Oddworld Web have never requested any art from OW.
That's why they are our number fans because their sites are their own creation.
They have set the standard for Oddworld fan sites.
Proprietor, Alf's Rehab & Tea

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07-15-2001, 04:09 AM
Outlaw Mortar
: Apr 2001
: aus
: 1,856
Rep Power: 25

your wisdem amazes me Alf
Free the beans.... and ill free your heart... free your heart and ill fry my beans!

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07-15-2001, 08:18 AM
Cloverfield's Avatar
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I always find that if you "ask" for things then you become a pest and there is nothing worse than being a pest.

Like I've seen people say... I should get this cause I run a site, etc. That is the wrong way to ever go about things. I created Oddworld-Web because I love the games so much and am glad to devote my time to it.

When Oddworld-Web became recognized by OWI it was a "bonus"... and very unexpected. I never went in creating the site hoping for that... as I mentioned... I just wanted to do it.

Images are just pre-existing Oddworld images that are on the net... you just have to do some hunting to find some of them... and I also ensured I done the right thing by asking for permission to use them.

Many thanks for your comments Alf... and thanks for everything.

Abe Babe...
Oddworld-Web | Advent Children.net | Dirge of Cerberus.net
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07-16-2001, 10:09 AM
Crazy Vykker
: Apr 2001
: Vigo, Spain
: 235
Rep Power: 24
Crazy Vykker  (10)

Thanks for your answers. This question was only for curiosity. I don´t want annoying

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07-16-2001, 10:27 AM
Outlaw Mortar
: Apr 2001
: aus
: 1,856
Rep Power: 25

abe babe? are you calling vykk a pest?
Free the beans.... and ill free your heart... free your heart and ill fry my beans!

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07-16-2001, 11:06 AM
Oddworld Forums Founder
Queen of the Damned
: May 2000
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Sydney  (32)

ODDBODD, Abe Babe was just saying that if you were to ask for things from OWI, then you might be considered a pest. Not that Crazy Vykker is a pest for asking the question in the topic.

Thanks for the words Alf. I think we're lucky to receive the attention that we get, and asking for images and the like would seem rude.
The Glass Asylum

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07-16-2001, 11:15 AM
Outlaw Mortar
: Apr 2001
: aus
: 1,856
Rep Power: 25

OHHH I GET IT i can see clearly now the rain has gone, i can see all obstacles in my way! here is the rainbow ive been praying for. its going to be a bright..bright..bright sunshiny day!!! AAARGH IM SINGING ANCIENT RUSTAFARIAN MUSIC!!! *slits throat*
Free the beans.... and ill free your heart... free your heart and ill fry my beans!

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07-16-2001, 01:35 PM
Crazy Vykker
: Apr 2001
: Vigo, Spain
: 235
Rep Power: 24
Crazy Vykker  (10)

Fiuuuuuuuu. In added I DON´T HAVE WEB PAGE

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