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11-17-2002, 07:00 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
: Nov 2001
: Cuyahoga Falls Ohio
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Rep Power: 26
paramiteabe  (95)

Ah art tips well since I am an artist myself I shall give you good tips to make your drawings or paintings look realistic.

Drawing things in prespective. Remember the horizon line is basically your eye level. So if say you look up at something the horizon line will be off your paper. Same if your looking down. Remember when you are drawing in linear perspective every single line goes to the vanishing point on the horizon line. You can have an entire city and every line will go to the vanishing point or points because in this case your dealing with 2 point perspective.

Be creative destroy your canvas and you will find cool interesting designs you could use in paintings. in other words expierment a lot with what you have.

Be abel to take constructive critisisem because if you cant then you won't succeed in art.

Have a general knowledge on the different techneques because at first they seem boreing but when drawing or painting things to look real then your going to need them. Take as many art classes as you can the more the better you get at art.

And lastly just have fun doing your work because whats rewarding is when you finish your painting or drawing and you look at it and you will say "wow I really did that." you will feel like you created your own world on paper. which is cool.

To be really good you have to be abel to see the uncommon in the common. To be abel to look at something and just imagine it as something else which in my case its fantasy or fiction. I do a lot of oil paintings dealing with fiction or fantasy. That is also one of the reasons why I like Oddworld aswell.

Oh and I forgot the best of paper to use when your drawing in charcal or what ever, use Bristal pad. The meteral I find works pretty good.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 11-17-2002 at 11:04 AM..
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