thread: Muds and cars?
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04-22-2001, 07:12 AM
Steel Shark 100
: Apr 2001
: California, and Europe
: 120
Rep Power: 24
Steel Shark 100  (11)

Hi Pacen : If I recall correctly, (I don't know if it was someone from here at the boards or someone from Oddworld itself that stated or suggested) you were going to be able to create a character with a given amount of attributes. Let's say 25 options for weapons, magic type spells or abilities. you would then get to choose let's say 5 or 6 of them.

Let's say you want to go in blasting, you better get the weapons and armor to help you out properly. If stealth is your game ( it's mine ) you should consider an invisible cloak or potion of invisibility, you get my drift.

In other words, besides the already 200+ amazing hours of joy, you get major extra game time with many other options and stratagies, you can play the game with many different styles, go different routes depending on your chosen abilities, etc etc....

Here's the catch.... I know there will be a create feature, but exactly to what extent has been left in a shrouded cloud of secrecy. I'm crashing the doors down on Oddworld, I got to get some more info soon.
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