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03-25-2022, 06:56 AM
EVP_Glukkon's Avatar
: Aug 2009
: Australia
: 235
Blog Entries: 4
Rep Power: 16
EVP_Glukkon  (488)EVP_Glukkon  (488)EVP_Glukkon  (488)EVP_Glukkon  (488)EVP_Glukkon  (488)

remember when even varrok had to admit he fucked up and removed you as an admin because you tagged everyone in the server to let them know that a girl you accepted nudes from months prior was trans even though nobody remembered her or cared except you. and then you unironically put "deus vult" in your discord name. expect more oddworld porn.
Right, okay.
I was made a mod to keep an eye on you during the morning hours (my timezone) when the mods were asleep, as your behavior was getting out of hand.

I alluded to this but I don't think you caught on.

I was bored, bored of OWI, OWF, I thought why not try being a mod. So I came up with this character, I used Half-Life 2 profile pictures, the idea would be a progression where I would go from Civil-Protection (act normal) to soldier then finally elite, becoming less human and more robotic until new people would think I was a bot, devoid of humanity lol.

Course it didn't work, all the activity was on the local server.. and people thought i was power tripping.. only Oddey got the joke but didn't find it really funny. So I just did my best to observe, and keep the peace.

People didnt like me being around, even despite the fact I never banned anyone and my actions to move people into time-out, deletion of posts etc were all reported to admins. I couldn't shake the rep I had of being from 1984 lol. But my no-nonsense approach was working.. so i figured i would hang about till end of year then leave.

We lost Phenoix, in discussion with him after leaving I felt regret not doing more to moderate so he felt more comfortable just trying to share opinions with people. Stuff seemed to happen when i was never there or worse i overlooked it when i was, it was annoying for me.

Then the trans girl arrived.
It was late.. maybe 2-3am at night I remember reading #_general seeing this new user trying to flirt and supposedly sending nudes to people via DM. Here we go I thought.. some action. So I engage.. small chit chat. nothing,
I cbf so i go to bed.

Next morning... turns out she sent nudes.. and she got banned for it. I missed the whole thing. 1 user even said something to the effect of 'oh oxides going to get you' (my username) and i was like damnit! 1 guy actually understood my character and i didnt even ban the person!!! I was so disappointed..

Months later I get goss that she was a trans. It was just gossip, the person telling me didnt want to instigate anything nor knew what i would do with that info. But being bored out of my mind and a couple months to leaving the discord, I thought fk it.. let's stir the pot.

So lol I made an 'Amber alert' (inspired by the post 9/11 terror alerts) as a public service announcement for anyone who was hetro and enjoying the nudes that: FYI it's a dude.

Suddenly, long absent users just rush out of the woodwork, accuse me of transphobic stuff etc. I get sent into timeout for suspected doxxing and await judgement.

Now i was offended because i didnt dox anyone, the info received was public on their own social media.. but what perplexed me the most was the OWF community backlash.. was I really transphobic to suggest hetro men dont like trans women? I handed in my badge (i DM'ed a gif of a cop doing that) and left the server lol.

This trans thing though stuck with me for awhile.. I remember as a kid watching Jerry Springer, those segments where the trans would go on stage and say "im going to tell my boyfriend a secret, im a man" LOLOLOL the crowd goes wild.. the boyfriend shits a brick and Jerry would ask the question: 'why does it matter if you love each other?' and as a kid that perplexed me as well.. i was like dude its a man..

These days my wife shows me trans.. post-op ones. They seem happy, have
husbands. Is it the parts? IDK. But to this day I believe whatever you are attracted to, you have a right to disclosure, that was my point behind the trolling and jokes and i still stand by that.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Regarding you Nep..
You abuse people online, really. You take pleasure from insulting people.
The things I have seen you say to Varrok disgust me, especially when the poor sod tried to only reason with you and time and time again you abused him.
I used to think while looking at the poorly drawn animated porn you DM me, if it's just a mental disability you have or some kind of health issue going on, do you think I am your boyfriend? There must be an emotional connection you hold to keep crying like a bitch about me and send porn to me.. what am I supposed to do with this, become enraged? What are you 12 years old? Did you sit there jerking to yourself thinking 'ha ha that fkn oxide is gonna go mental when he sees this shit!!!'

But mental illness or not, at your age and still pulling this immature shit, you get no remorse from me.

But there you go, an account of what actually occurred to those interested.
The past is a different country.

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