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04-16-2021, 09:57 AM
Phoetux's Avatar
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: Aug 2016
: Joe's Pizza
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I haven't even finished the second level of this game yet and honestly I'm not currently up to play more of it, it's waaay too much bugged along many other issues regarding gameplay.
Some bugs even make full pacifist runs impossible to do, plus the quarma system isn't even this big thing we thought apperently was (saving the sligs is pointless for example, doesn't affect the endings at all). They are releasing small patches for these bugs, yes, but they haven't fixed much at all actually.
A particular thing about this bug state is that the game was apperently already done around february about everything except the bugs, which were nearly done during that time. Word from Lorne Lanning.
Then the day before the release they said we'd encounter on launch bugs that wouldn't ruin much the game experience. Most of us played it on launch and it was a disaster.

The platform gameplay is also less precise compared to the old games, making it harder to play the game. Especially with the new elements added such as double jump and acrobatics, which are not the best either in terms of controls.
I'm not saying it's too hard, I instead enjoy hard games where you might even need to to die a lot; the point is the gameplay is broken, like it wasn't well planned and then well executed during production.

Aesthetically it's neat, but pretty much different from the past games. Much of the style has changed, probably in terms of lore too. The cinematics are stunning and well directed. But that's it. It doesn't exactly feel like it has the old oddworld lore, mysticism and controversial topics we all loved, for now. That's why I'd be curious to go forward on this game, if it allows me to play it properly for once. I'm gonna wait for a proper good and big patch (like a 1.2, and not something like 1.07, 1.08...) to complete it, but if that doesn't even happen and we're left with another bug disaster that'll never get fixed for good then I'll just watch a walkthrough and good riddance.

We've waited 6 years for this game, during which OWI promised a title made slowly and carefully with passion. Doesn't even feel like one tbh, I'd just go back to AE instead: that one instead looked more like something made with passion and proper study on every aspect of it. And it was rushed.
There's nothing much more for me to say about it so far because I haven't been able to complete it. But right now, all I see is a broken game with interesting concepts regarding gameplay and story, which makes you think they care about the details of every side of the game, but then you see the bad stuff thus ruining the whole experience.
It's a mess, but in syntax it feels like a lazy product. It makes me curious, then when I actually get my hands on it, the curiosity easily disappears.

6 fucking years. Six bloody years of bullshit god fucking damn it.
v- My other places -v

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