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04-05-2021, 08:05 PM
SlashClaw's Avatar
: Aug 2016
: corowa
: 101
Rep Power: 9
SlashClaw  (108)SlashClaw  (108)
Mad They couldn't even give us a complete game?

So if what i am hearing is true Soulstrom is more Soulstrom part 1: Give us all your money, they have to be fucking with us even after YEARS of delays they can't even give people a completed game with a start, middle and finish. Hell Exodus was over 2 fucking disks on the PS1 and they managed it and not to Mention at least New 'ND Tasty was a complete game do the Devs really think people are going to he happy to get to the end of Soulstorm and find out they need to buy a second game?
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