thread: The Future
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10-25-2020, 01:24 AM
EVP_Glukkon's Avatar
: Aug 2009
: Australia
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EVP_Glukkon  (488)EVP_Glukkon  (488)EVP_Glukkon  (488)EVP_Glukkon  (488)EVP_Glukkon  (488)

That's hopeful thinking, but be realistic. People who get into a new game are not going to go onto a forum and talk about it.
Some will, I guarantee that. You wouldn't want the numbers steams and other stuff bring in, there isn't substance there, viewers move on from one thing to another.

No, the people looking for a community experience, more personal interaction with members etc, forums are still good for that.

Most new Oddworld fans will go to Reddit.
Reddit doesn't really have the same experience, you're just one of many there lost in the replies unless you get enough likes to stand out. Forums have a more structured and focused discussion 'flow' to participate in.

Quite sad. At least here they'll get some idea about what sexual intercourse is really like.
Ha, they don't want it, and there are so many enablers out there now they have no desire to touch a woman. Oh and IM the freak for having the audacity to suggest meeting a woman or worst case paying for sex because it's much more rational to blow hundreds if not thousands on toys, hentai trash, and other simulated experiences.

These people are just stubborn losers that don't want to fix themselves to have a partner, they want the things in life that require effort to obtain without doing the work to obtain it.

And why am I ranting about this? Because I'm sick of the amount of sexual content in gaming today, why can't they just bundle up that DLC trash so I can avoid it and that it doesn't taint the core experience?! Japanese games are the worst offenders, how many talented folks are pouring hours of work into digital ass, instead of making good stuff is just a modern tragedy IMO.

The future? It's not Hand of Odd, it's not Munch 2 or some epic, it's a sad little jerk off humping Sam in VR, and it would be a port of the original version, re-released as a limited edition for a system already obsolete.

The past is a different country.

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