thread: COVID-19
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08-24-2020, 12:27 PM
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In fact, why don't we try to avoid all of those death causes? That would be nice.
We do - that's why there are drinking guidelines, health warnings on cigarette packets and a highway code (and DUI laws). But this has nothing to do with covid-19.

Cynical though I often am, in this instance, it seems justifiable that a novel coronavirus which has just swept the Earth, impacting not only people's direct health but also reshaping the economy and thereby affecting people's domestic and working lives, receives regular media coverage. I don't think it's just for a few extra clicks...

you can't compare the fatalities of covid with that of cigarettes and alcohol, that makes no sense. people willingly smoke and drink, and both are addictive. of course their death tolls are going to be higher. people aren't willingly contracting corona. if there was 7 million people dying from covid i think we would be royally fucked.
This, and bear in mind possible long-term health effects that could emerge, too. That covid-19 is new is a very important detail.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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