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07-22-2020, 05:02 AM
Phoetux's Avatar
Riot Slug
: Aug 2016
: Joe's Pizza
: 559
Blog Entries: 14
Rep Power: 9
Phoetux  (881)Phoetux  (881)Phoetux  (881)Phoetux  (881)Phoetux  (881)Phoetux  (881)Phoetux  (881)

As an artist I'd get an artbook with no issues, they're good for references. Even though this is basically the book of the Lost Archives, it'd be nice to have the arts of Farzad, Steven Olds etc on paper.
But yeah most of this stuff can now be found easily on the net, informations and artworks included, and its now not really worth 43 euro. Well, at least there aren't a limited number of copies so people can buy them whenever they want.
...right OWI? No surprises?


So Origins has been out for a while now, and sadly the most use I've had out of my copy is a makeshift Laptop booster-seat whilst working from home.
well that's just sad to see
v- My other places -v

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