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08-25-2019, 11:35 AM
Varrok's Avatar
Wolvark Grenadier
: Jun 2009
: Beartopia
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You know that you stop being a teenager after 19, right?
So you do know that?

Stop projecting, I know loads of people who go out of their way to find extra challenge in games. It's fine if you're not one of them, not everybody wants a challenge, and a challenge is not the same thing as repeating 10 minutes of gameplay for the third time. This is not challenging, this is time wasting. Kind of like this whole discussion.
Not everyone wants to play Oddworld. Or games. Oddworld isn't for everybody, no game is. Excessive time wasting is an indicator of badly placed checkpoints/bad design. Quiksave isn't a good cure for that.

You don't even know what a teenager is
Someone who screams at a company to "suck a dick" fits the category perfectly.

It 's OK to have quicksave as an option. Turn it off, or don't use it if you want. But please don't design the levels with too tight timing, so playing without quicksave is actually doable.
If quiksaving was an optional choice added later in development as an addon for the Easy modes, I wouldn't really mind. It's like Automatic mode in Devil May Cry. It's for people bad at games and/or game journalists.
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