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06-01-2019, 05:18 AM
KittehGlitters's Avatar
: May 2019
: Olde Towne
: 7
Rep Power: 0
KittehGlitters  (14)
It's been a while...

I don't know if anyone at all remembers me, but I wanted to join the forum again and clear away the dust so I can hopefully make amends since it's REALLY long overdue.

My username on here used to be IloveHammy! and I was a psycho bitch in more ways than one, to put it lightly. I was overly religious and super cringey. In addition to that, I had no idea how to use proper grammar, punctuation or spelling. Reading through my posts on here from 2007 seriously makes me feel disgusted. I can't decide if I want to laugh or cry when I see the shit I used to say. Even though I was only 16 at the time, I shouldn't have been so horrible.

Anyway, I really want to apologize to you all and update those who remember me because it might surprise you how much has changed in my life.

Since 2007, I've moved to various cities and even to a different state, I've had several exciting jobs and have gained valuable experience, I've discovered my passion in jewelry making and mixed media art... and so much more. Now that I'm nearing my 30's, I'm happy to say that I'm finally finding my true peace and happiness after all this time.
  • I am no longer religious in any way, shape or form. I consider myself a "secular humanist" or "agnostic atheist". Although my beliefs have changed dramatically, I respect the views of others and do not condone belittlement based on beliefs. Simply put, don't be an ass and try to set a good example of how we should treat each other as human beings. It's really not that hard. Most all living creatures have the capacity to express empathy with or without a deity.

  • I am no longer "republican" or "conservative" by any means. That was another huge thing about me in the past that everyone was aware of. Moving out of the small town I grew up in did wonders for me and opened up my mind and heart in ways I never imagined. Growing up as someone who was easily influenced by the religious, and often bigoted, adults around me, it was a huge wake-up call when I realized that I had been brainwashed in a lot of ways. Basically, most of the ways I once described myself in the past can now be confirmed as the opposite of who I am and what I stand for.

  • I identify as a "demisexual". I am only sexually attracted to people I've developed an emotional connection to. In other words, I can be attracted to both men and women based on the emotional attachment. Although I am married to a man, this does not change who I am. I think one of the biggest reasons for my homophobic beliefs in the past had to do with the fact that I was scared of what I didn't understand and I wasn't ready to accept myself. Although in today's world I would likely get along great with all the people who bashed me for my ignorance, I wouldn't say I completely agree with the method so many people use when arguing with someone who's simple-minded and misguided. In my recent experience, it's usually much more effective to conduct intelligent conversation vs. telling someone to "go kill" themselves. I fully admit and take responsibility for my lack of understanding and ignorance, but I also acknowledge bad behaviors from the non-religious people I currently stand with. One of my favorite quotes is "do no harm, but take no shit".

So, in conclusion, I really needed to get this off my chest and I'm hoping it reaches some of the people I may have hurt way back when.

It'll be interesting to see who remembers me. I really look forward to being a better member of this forum, so I hope you'll give me another chance.

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