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03-20-2019, 01:07 AM
Havoc's Avatar
Cheesecake Apocalypse
: May 2003
: Netherlands
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says the guy who never, ever seems to have anything good to say about the newer oddworld games. how many fucking arguments have you started with OWI members here on the forums because you think you know better than the game designers? have you ever tried shutting the fuck up or making criticism that actually is constructive and not just thinly veiled chances to ridicule and micromanage their progress?

nah, of course not. because you know what's best for OWI. you know everything.

and how the fuck am i praising it into the heavens? i just pointed out a bunch of faults with this cutscene and the previous oddworld games did i not? are you fucking retarded or just looking for an argument?

you're still the same dumb cunt as when i first fucking joined. at least you're reliable in that regard.
Given how long you 'know' me, you should know I've said plenty of good stuff about OWI and their games over the years. I have nothing but respect for Lorne, OWI and everyone working on these projects, but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna call out bad decisions when I see them.

Like I told OWI_Pete in Discord yesterday, with all respect in the world; there's enough praise floating around in the fan base. Open any random social media platform and you'll be showered in praise for the new cutscene and visuals and all that stuff. Is praise fun? Sure. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy. But it's not useful to make anything better. Constructive feedback is what you need to not make the same mistake twice and to learn from it. From that point they are either already aware of that observation, in which case it's a moot point, or they're not aware of it and they can choose what to do with it. But then at least it's out there and I've said my thing.

I do not believe in ignoring mistakes when I see them, be that in a creative process or in a business fashion. And when I see OWI make the same mistakes multiple times that irks me, because it means they haven't learned from past experiences (many of which were pointed out my many more people than just me). So if they make a mistake once, that's fine. But if then people tell them about it and they make that same mistake again, then it's fair for criticism to become a little more harsh. If people want to see that as 'toxic' or a 'personal attack' that is on them, not on me, because I've rarely made my criticisms personal. Certainly not against the current development team. The only person I've remotely attacked personally was Steward Gilray and even that was hardly an insult. I just called him a sour puss.

God, you're insufferable. Being incessantly hostile and combatative towards complete strangers on the internet is not a substitute for a personality. I've seen you complaining about and insulting pretty much everything, from minorities, to Oddworld, to people you've just met.
You seem to know a lot about me for someone I didn't even know existed until yesterday. Just FYI, not agreeing with your opinion doesn't make me hostile or insulting. Having a vocal opinion, again, doesn't mean I'm out to insult anyone. It just means I don't necessarily agree with your point of view. If you want to take what I say as a personal insult that's on you, not on me.
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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