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03-20-2019, 12:56 AM
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: Jun 2008
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i love the train cutscene. sligs look cool with upgraded flight suits so it's actually believable that they might be able to keep up with a train in comparison to their previous flight suit designs which was basically a propeller stuck to what sounded like a two-stroke engine. now they seem like they can actually fly fast at long distances, rather than just being nimble at short distances. also, guns are cool, maybe a little 'overstated' for their size but i'm not complaining. like STM said, it reminds me of the vickers machine guns they used in aerial combat during the first world war.

i'll admit, i also found the part with Toby yelling "FASTEERR" sort of out of place, but at the same time i was instantly reminded of stereotypical Oddworld humour. it's like how they're powering a train with bottles of soulstorm brew, i just wrote it off as more Oddworld quirkiness or video game logic like a lot of you probably did too. yeah, AO and AE were darker than, say, MO, but that doesn't mean to say there was absolutely no 'silly' humour in those games. i think we just forget some things or choose to ignore them. for example, vice president Aslik. ass-lick. that's a pretty dumb name and it's not exactly realistic, yet no one seems to complain about it.

and don't forget Dripik being so dumb he forgets his own name, having to use farts while mimicking native muds because using flatulence as part of a native password is totally normal, possessing your own farts (how the fuck does that even work?) etc. there never has been an Oddworld game that's been completely serious, and their humour has always been a little quirky and 'odd', but i think at this stage that's part of their signature. SW was probably the game with the most serious overall tone.

all in all i fucking love the cutscene. train looks like a thundering juggernaut, sligs look like they just joined up with the SAS, the way the mudokons look and move really pleases me and I LOVE ALF'S HAT

tbh i've never been that crazy about the Toby character, but Alf is fucking great. much love for Alf. he's an old workhorse.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: hang on a second, are you dicks really complaining about how his fucking brows overlap his hat? fucking jesus.

1) it's a computer game. if you want that level of fucking high definition realism, watch a movie. they contain real life actors with real life facial expressions. you'll be amazed.

2) how picky do you want to be? i didn't even notice that one second of cutscene where his eyelids happened to move over the bottom of his hat. i mean, did you watch the cutscene one frame at a fucking time or something? or have you just been replaying the video over and over again since they first uploaded it to youtube? seriously, talk about petty.

3) this is just personal opinion, but he's wearing his hat at an angle near the back of his head and his eyebrows are pretty deep. by that i mean that his eyebrows stick out more than normal. the fact they stick out of his face more than normal would make it plausible that they might hide the bottom of his hat while he was pulling an extremely surprised expression. you people have already said how his eyes seemed to open wider than natural, makes sense to me that his big fat eyebrows might hide part of his hat while he made that expression. fuck me.

4) grow up. i've already typed too much shit in response to this. oddworld fans are the fucking worst. just enjoy the cutscene you insufferable fucking turds.

I fucking love you never ever ever change.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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