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11-22-2018, 06:03 AM
SgabbitGabbiar's Avatar
: Sep 2011
: Italy
: 217
Rep Power: 14
SgabbitGabbiar  (127)SgabbitGabbiar  (127)
A Comprehensive story about Abe's Exoddus prototypes

I've decided to write a comprehensive story about the prototypes of Abe's Exoddus, since there's no information in this forum and not every user know this. I've talked with Nate and because of Oddworld Forums rules , i can't post any download links or videos on Youtube that can links you to it. Google is your best friend


On April 2013 , i found a russian version of Abe's Exoddus that seemed a bit different from the original one that all we know. It was posted on PsxPlanet russian forum on August 21th, 2010. Then i shared it online on Youtube and to other users known as "Late Prototype".

--small note--

In the 90s (and not only) there were these unlicensed versions of ps1 games in Russia due to region blocks from Sony about its marketing agreements. They were basically a sort of "fan-made localizations" made by some warez teams (even if maybe it's not the correct term) known as "Fargus", "Golden Leon" , "Vector" , "Paradox" and so on. It's not clear how they got the games in Russia, probably through beta testers from other countries ,private copies sent for the interviewers of videogames magazines or even private contacts into Sony or software houses.

After the """hacking and craking""" of these games to overwriting the files they needed (text, audio , video translated in russian language) , they used to re-compile the games and to sell them at videogames shops/markets streets with some "bootleg" covers. And of course every console was modded. That was the only way at the times. Sorry if maybe it's not 100% accurated but that's a general idea of what there was in Russia for playing games.


The translation team of this one remains unknown , and probably it's the first translation of Abe's Exoddus in Russia , so maybe that the oldest ver. that they got to translate from English to Russian.

This version is normally unplayable due to some glitches that freezes the game on console. You can finish it only if you use the emulator and some debugging code with Cheat Engine (provided by Kapteeni13). It's just a non-final version of the game , so similar to the released one but some screens are slighlty diffferent. The build date it's Sep 3, 1998 , while the game was fully released on Nov 1998, two months before the leaked one. PAL version.

Also , it was found a old TL.LVL file into the disc (maybe "Test Level") where there were contained a few Abe's Oddysee screens, Rupture Farms ones. Probably It was planned to go back there in-game at first. Also it was proved by Oddworld Inhabitants too with this post :

But that's not the end.

In the same period , around June 2013 , Kapteeni had the choice to speak with a russian user , Sergei. He stated in a thread of RuTracker forum, time before the first prototype that was found , that he always got a unfinished version of Abe's Exoddus, with only the 1CD available. Following his story , he bought it with his older brother in a old game shop in Russia called "Junior Shop" or something like that. That day he saw Abe's Exoddus but with only one CD. It didn't pass so much time when he realized the game was a sort of "beta build" while playing it. After some years , when Youtube was a thing , he checked online a gameplay and all his doubts were even more confirmed.

After a short time , he uploaded the ISO online. The build date is Jul 14, 1998 prototype. Two months older than the first prototype found.

It's incredibly not translated in Russian, so it's available in English and PAL again. As said before, unfortunately only the 1CD is playable (maybe the 2nd one was still in development or not included). Apart the regular demo of the game published by Sony and OWI , this version is the oldest one.

As said before, you can check them on Youtube for every finds, differences and details.

So, 2 prototypes from the same country!

If you have any question, you can ask me here.
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