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09-05-2018, 10:45 PM
Varrok's Avatar
Wolvark Grenadier
: Jun 2009
: Beartopia
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Blog Entries: 52
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Varrok  (7896)Varrok  (7896)Varrok  (7896)Varrok  (7896)Varrok  (7896)Varrok  (7896)Varrok  (7896)Varrok  (7896)Varrok  (7896)Varrok  (7896)Varrok  (7896)

As for the locations well it's not a easy one, but I guess my favorite can be the Soulstorm Brewery.

Going in this place felt exactly like the last frontier of the game. Entering in it was like "This is it. This is the source of all the problems happened in this game", and you could've notice this feeling from the fast music that kept giving you fast chills on your holy mission and from the very industrial ambient with muds getting electrified, both elements made this stage a great location.
Oh, I disliked that severly! Felt like a generic hub section after a generic hub section. And there were three of them, one after another! What were they thinking? Just screamed artificial padding. This was just plain lazy.
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