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10-17-2017, 07:01 AM
Auriel's Avatar
Sniper Wasp
: Apr 2013
: Floating in the mist
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Blog Entries: 1
Rep Power: 12
Auriel  (533)Auriel  (533)Auriel  (533)Auriel  (533)Auriel  (533)Auriel  (533)

I'm pretty sure Lorne outright confirmed Abe being the main character of the series now.
Wasn't that essentially the case with the original quintology to begin with? I mean Munch's role in MO doesn't exactly scream "main character". (yes I'm aware of how much content was cut, but it's still telling how much emphasis was put on Abe in the final product)
Either way, I'd personally be disappointed if Munch (and Squeek, etc) were to be scrapped, simply because of how much layers they could add to the story and gameplay.
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