Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure I remember reading about an original story concept that the Monsaic Lines get firebombed by the cartel after RF is shut down. This would fit with Lorne's vision for Abe's actions having consequences, and him feeling guilt. It would also explain why the muds need to evacuate and risk travelling elsewhere. The destruction of the Lines would initiate the story of Soulstorm.
If this is the case and we see some mudokon casualties, the 301 could be a mix of native and RF muds. The number itself could be purely for continuity's sake to follow on from NNT.
There was an inferno at Camp Sixty according to the Newletters so maybe this aludes to the Monsiac Lines getting torched as well(maybe they find it somehow, was Camp sixty anywhere near ML?)
I think the "firebombing the monsaic lines" idea was mentioned in a post in an Arg thread, but i don't thinks its canon or was a concept mentioned in an interview or just someones idea when we were trying to figure out what was reflected in Abe's eye in his pic reveal.