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10-14-2017, 09:57 AM
Michael's Avatar
Bola Blast
: May 2010
: Birmingham, England
: 409
Rep Power: 15
Michael  (531)Michael  (531)Michael  (531)Michael  (531)Michael  (531)Michael  (531)

If Big Face were one of the 301, then what about the rest of the muds in the Monsaic Lines? As with AO, NNT showed us a fair few chanting natives there. If the 301 are all supposedly RF affiliated, it seems the natives don't embark on the journey with Abe. But that begs the question, if they're all alive and well, why wouldn't Abe + Co make the Lines their new home?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm sure I remember reading about an original story concept that the Monsaic Lines get firebombed by the cartel after RF is shut down. This would fit with Lorne's vision for Abe's actions having consequences, and him feeling guilt. It would also explain why the muds need to evacuate and risk travelling elsewhere. The destruction of the Lines would initiate the story of Soulstorm.

If this is the case and we see some mudokon casualties, the 301 could be a mix of native and RF muds. The number itself could be purely for continuity's sake to follow on from NNT.
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