I thought they depleted health over time? I'm sure because Abe's voice used to get higher and higher the more they licked him.
They do. Nate's saying he wants their behavior in Soulstorm to be different.
Yes, and no. And no.
It's not really depleting health so much as it takes a certain number of licks before you get swallowed. I'm fine with that mechanic staying in place. I just don't think that Fleeches should do general damage to you - a Fleech licking you shouldn't affect whether the next bullet kills you, and vice versa.
And, yes, I knew when I posted my last reply that I was glossing over some details. This'll teach me to be lazy and not include all valid disclaimers.
years ago i read a magazine article about MO way before it was released and before the whole shitstorm with EA when OWI had to change plans. iirc they originally wanted the muds to be able to get visible scars and shit from the incidents they would get themselves into, along with ageing too (unless i'm getting this mixed up with HoO or something). in the mag it showed these two images alongside eachother as if it was a before-and-after example.
Alf said that while they liked the idea, it wasn't much fun to actually play as an injured Abe. So while scars might be a nice idea, I doubt that anything more intense than that would happen.