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10-10-2017, 05:51 PM
CravenKnight's Avatar
: Apr 2017
: Dresden
: 112
Rep Power: 8
CravenKnight  (200)CravenKnight  (200)CravenKnight  (200)

If fleeches return, I'd like to see how they tackle the hitpoints.. Would abe get visible cuts/flesh tears with each hit? That would be cool to see. Especially if his "Chi" or Quarma allows self healing after a period of time
years ago i read a magazine article about MO way before it was released and before the whole shitstorm with EA when OWI had to change plans. iirc they originally wanted the muds to be able to get visible scars and shit from the incidents they would get themselves into, along with ageing too (unless i'm getting this mixed up with HoO or something). in the mag it showed these two images alongside eachother as if it was a before-and-after example.

there was no text in the images though so i assumed at the time that the red bumps and stuff were supposed to be the in-game scars after healing or something, plus emaciation due to ageing. obviously everything changed with MO after that though, but still. I CAN DREAM

so yeah maybe we'll get visible hitpoints. would be interesting.
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