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10-07-2017, 08:11 AM
Algost's Avatar
: Oct 2017
: France
: 7
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Algost  (26)
Question How to record my AE

Hi everyone,

i suceed to get all the .ddv of AE in french and i would like to record them and uplaud it to Youtube to show the french version of the cinematic and gamespeak and also because i want to use this extrait in my Youtube content for exemple use it as a transition.

So i use the programm "Masher" to lauch the .ddv file and i want to have a second software to record my screen while the video is playing.

But recording AE correctly is not very simple, normally i use the software "Mirilis Action!" to capture but it's not working cuz of Aero Windows stuff and even when i turn it off it's record my desktop and not the video.

I also try with Xsplit and OBS who are 2 software for streaming content normally but i noticed that the video is laggy not as fluent as when i saw it on my monitor and also it's in 4:3 when it's in 16:9 on my screen, but it's not really a problem because i think it's scalled a video from 4:3 to 16:9 but i tell you beacause i want to give you all the detail that i have.

So if you guys have recorded some Oddworld Stuff without any trouble, feel free to give me your advice =D.

Thank for reading.
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