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10-02-2017, 12:26 PM
: Apr 2017
: Salt Lake City, UT
: 30
Rep Power: 0
Oddity95  (28)
Idea Something cool id like to see.

Today as i was playing Abe's Exoddus for the billionth time, i thought of a really neat idea.

in some games, you can have to option to use some set of voice commands that the game will recognise and then the game will do what you orered (basd on how it was programed and for what purpose it serves in the game.

Id like to be able to not only use the controls for the gamespeak, but also be able to hook up a mic to my console controller, and be able to say "Hello, Follow me, wait, work" etc. and the mudokons actually respond.

That would be kinda nifty, dont you think?
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