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10-01-2017, 05:16 PM
: Apr 2017
: Salt Lake City, UT
: 30
Rep Power: 0
Oddity95  (28)

Ya Neb. I wont let it bother me, and i get what you mean. but the way youre going about it is a little disrespectful. i just wanted to share an advertise my art. that is all. no need to be hostile about it. if im being obnoxious, then im sure the forum will let me know. I actually held back on putting the link IN EVERY THREAD when i easily could have. but i thought that would be selfish, annoying, and just be plain rude. so be happy that i picked my battle on that. because when you want to expose your art, theres no shame in putting it somewhere where others can see it. but i wouldnt go as far as that.

as for the rest of you, thanks for your support. if its not good enough to get into the game, or even into the office of Oddworld Inhabitants, then itss ok. im just happpy that i could be inspired to make by something i hold near and dear to my heart and share it with the world. I am workingg on some more and i will share it asap. Lorne Lanning, i wish i could tell you and oddworld thank you.

Last edited by Oddity95; 10-01-2017 at 05:26 PM..
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