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09-24-2017, 01:29 AM
OWI_Alex's Avatar
Oddworld Inhabitant
: Mar 2014
: Oddworld
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Rep Power: 11
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Oh maaaaaaan, I honestly loved what I saw. The art is absolutely gorgeous, and I REAAAAALLY would like a new art book with all those tasty images in it

Tbh, I am actually looking forward to the crafting bit. It makes sense to me - like if Abe can find a bottle of "high flammable" brew and a grenade, why not put them together?? And I guess for in world lore, he would've made a new bag or pouch to hold all this stuff since he could only hold one thing at a time in his previous adventure and that made things more difficult for him? idk.

Thing is with the crafting - I do get the feeling that you could play it old-style if you really wanted to. No crafting, you just use what you find, when you find it, and limit yourself to one item at a time. It feels like it's up to you to choose how you want to play it. I like that idea, it makes it feel like you're helping Abe on his quest even more intimately.

I have no idea what the gameplay is going to be like. Since OWI Alex said it's not a rts game, then I don't even know where to start guessing lol.

All in all, MY BODY IS READY!!!!

(Also, since Toby is from rupture farms, I'd like to think that he's that hidden mudokon right at the start who is hiding in the shadows, and you can only here the scrubbing noises to know he's there, and when you say hello, he says it back in a really high pitched voice. That one was always my favourite mud )
couple of things: crafting's pretty early in terms of dev but it's a clear focus and our goals are well defined. lorne wanted to get people thinking and talking about it, which has worked! there's a lot of new systems and mechanics happening in soulstorm and not all of them are currently that easy to show without causing a little confusion and we don't want to overwhelm anyone, so expect things like crafting, inventory and so on to be fleshed out and explained fully as we go on.

crafting is fun though, it's been my main focus in terms of planning and engineering of late, and it makes a massive difference to the strategic options open to abe and his followers. is it optional? i guess, although we think it's so slick and fun to explore and use that we think it's well worth digging into.

some of the recipes are awesome!

i should also add to what lorne hinted at: a fully pacifist run is not only possible, it's actively pushed as What Abe Should Do. think of quarma and what that can mean to Abe's powers, and how players will be able to influence that quarma. we're giving players a toolset and want you to go crazy with your own ideas...!
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