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09-22-2017, 11:11 PM
MrsKJJ's Avatar
: Jan 2017
: DisneyLand
: 72
Rep Power: 9
MrsKJJ  (203)MrsKJJ  (203)MrsKJJ  (203)

Unofficially, I'm red meat free. Kevin and I live on white meat (having red meat MAYBE once a quarter) and we tend to favour chicken in most of our weekly meals. The being said, we are both for lab-grown meats and will be making the switch as soon as they become more available where we live. I don't think mentally or medically I could ever make the jump to vegetarian, let alone vegan. I love the taste of chicken too much ... I've thought about it quite often, and it does cut me up inside, but for now, I'll stay the same.

Ever watched the movie Chicken Run while eating a dinner of chicken? Not a fun time.

I am a gluten-free, dairy-free, starch-free, sugar-free, simple carbohydrates-free seagan (vegan+seafood). And I am an entitled arrogant bish because of that.
I just like the little scrab. He looks so happy, he doesn't know life ends as a cake.
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