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05-10-2017, 12:22 AM
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Well, the main ingredient for Soulstorm Brew comes from Bonewerkz. On the other hand, Mudomo and Mudanchee Vaults were uninspired levels.
I wonder if maybe time constraints kept them from fleshing out the vaults? It would have been interesting if they could have varied the atmosphere and design of Mudomo and Mudanchee, or even expanded upon the lore of the areas so that we could learn a little more about why they're their and what their functions are. For me personally, Mudomo/Mudanchee needed to either act more as extensions of Necrum in terms of design (similar colour pallettes and shit), or they needed to take a more radical departure to make them feel more distinct. As they are, it feels like a bit of a halfway house situation.

I'm hungover as hell and apologise if that made no sense...
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.

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