04-10-2017, 01:12 PM
Global Moderator Problem Sleuth
: Aug 2008
: 1,119
Rep Power: 17
Facility 925 - An Oddworld Fangame
Hello! And welcome to my thread for my upcoming fan game Facility 925!
Some of you may recall one of my earlier attempts into creating a fan game, "Slig Suicide". And this little project that I've been working on sporadically over the past few months is somewhat of a recreation of that. It's somewhat fitting considering we have Soulstorm in the pipe lines and this is something that I'd originally had planned to fill the gap before its release. Honestly, I'd been working myself into the early hours trying to get some kind of presentable demo together, but I'd prefer it to be up to my standards and be worth playing before I release a demo so unfortunately you'll have to wait a little while longer.
Our story takes place in the submarine Vykker-run, Gloktigi-owned testing facility known as Facility 925. You take control of a Slig named Nikoh, and it's your job to make your way through the testing chambers in order to determine the usefulness of a variety of products formed in the darkest depths of a Vykker's twisted mind. Ever wanted to know how well a Fleech can function as a grappling hook? Probably not, but the Vykkers want to know and you don't get paid to ask questions.

The game is a 2D Puzzle Platformer and features a variety of mechanics common to the Oddworld series as well as some new ones especially for testing purposes within the game. The main mechanic being a new substance called Jooze. An unnatural concoction of Vykker scientific engineering and hidden occult practices that allows you to conveniently return to any Rezpawn Chamber upon your untimely or planned demise. Using your newfound near-immortality you're able to complete an objective and then simply kick the bucket in order to progress further. Or if you end up on the wrong end of one of the Vykkers' devious testing hazards then you're able to easily return whilst keeping all the progress you'd previously made within the chamber.
Please Note: Use of the Rezpawn Chamber, testing facilities, and damage to Facility resources accidental or otherwise will result in a deduction from your earnings. Facility 925 holds no accountability for any loss of sight, limbs, or sanity as a result of time spent within the chambers. Failure to comply by Facility guidelines will result in your immediate termination, the cost of this will be billed to your corpse. Thank you, have a pleasant day!
Hooray for my 1000th post