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03-15-2017, 03:16 PM
Varstahl's Avatar
: Mar 2017
: Oddworld
: 38
Rep Power: 0
Varstahl  (12)

Can't seem to make head or tail of any of it. We either need someone way better than me, more information, or both. I tend to think it's both.

I tried to enhance the pigpens a bit:

As for the rest, can't wrap my head around it. It seems to be a mix of Leeson and Club Penguin. That can't be right. And unless I'm wrong, on the left there's even some malachian and another glyph I saw somewhere but can't remember for the life of me.

If we flip it over, I think I spot in order H L D P G C 1 N 5, amongst the few glyphs I can read.

On the left-most part I seem to spot a couple chinese ideographs, but this is insane, and I'm tired as hell, and I'd rather be sleeping.

Last edited by Varstahl; 03-15-2017 at 04:16 PM..
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