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03-12-2017, 04:33 AM
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Odd Piece of the Week: Paramites

(you knew it was coming eventually)

Previous threads:

Just what are Paramites?


Scrambling, scurrying, chattering, and conniving, Paramites seem pathetic enough at first, but don't be fooled. Following a Paramite is to invite doom; after a twist and a turn through Forest Temple corridors, you'll find yourself backed into a tight corner, with a wild brood of paramites swarming out of every shadow. Wrestling a Paramite is like having a hornet's nest explode in your shorts, only not as much fun.

On their own, they’re cute in a stomach-churning sort of way, but put them in packs and they get vicious. Kind of like children.
So what’s the deal with these weird spidery creepos? Do you think they’re cute? Why do they have gross handmouths, and does it mean they’re related to Sligs??? no

Further reference:

TOGG – Paramite
Oddworld Encyclopædia – Paramites
Oddworld Wikia – Paramite

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