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02-23-2017, 03:20 PM
PenguinX45654's Avatar
: Aug 2016
: UK
: 22
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PenguinX45654  (10)

Maybe E= 5 is to tell us to work out the word in a specific way. The number was originally 8992 and 8554 separately but as their filenaming structure doesn't use spaces, we're seeing it as one number?

So for 8554 we know E = 5 so maybe we have _EE_.

Seed? feel? As there's an 8 in 8992 we would then have to find a word with that letter and a different double letter (most likely another vowel)

EDIT: I have tried this out but got nowhere. I found a bunch of words that fit the *EE* pattern and listed them out. I then realised that for the second word that the only other vowel that could work as a double letter was 'O', so I tried for each word I found for the first word taking the first letter and find words that matched a *OO* pattern and found a few more words. I put the two words together each time I found a match and had no luck. Most of the word combinations sounded like nonsense anyway like 'foolfeed'....

I may have missed some words or combinations out of tiredness so there may still be ground to this theory. Hope this helps. I'm off for bed.

Last edited by PenguinX45654; 02-23-2017 at 03:40 PM..
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