Ladies and gentlemen, the favourite candidate of the OWF Conservative Movement.
If we admit that Vlam has problems communicating, whether that's due to English being his second language, or the fact that he just can't be arsed to post more than four words at a time, why would we want to make him a mod? Can we not see the problems with that? To be honest, there have been times I've tried to speak to Vlam in my limited French, and he's still offered up single sentence replies, so I don't believe it's a language thing.
Let's not forget that above and beyond his usual low-burn shit-baggery, his taking the piss out of members' artistic ability not long ago, his genuine horrible responses to people on here going through problems, and his refusal to use correct pronouns when talking to trans/gender fluid forum members makes him a pretty gross person in all respects.
Can we just be fucking real here? If we all want to make a concerted effort to fix this place to the best of our ability, and if having a new global mod is on the table, I think without doubt the best person for the job is J_dude. He's a caring and compassionate person, with a vested interest the survival of this place. He's balanced and measured, and he also has semi-regular contact with Lorne, which is a bonus if we want to arrange any sort of correspondence between OWI and OWF.
If the Admins are actually vaguely interested in having a new mod on here, they could work with an ounce of urgency and come to a decision, so that we have another person at the controls to make sure things are running smoothly. If they aren't interested, they should just say so so that this needlessly divisive thread can be closed. That's my two cents anyway.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.
Last edited by STM; 02-18-2017 at 04:36 AM..