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02-08-2017, 12:51 AM
TopHattedTime's Avatar
: Jan 2017
: Finland
: 97
Rep Power: 9
TopHattedTime  (68)

They said on twitter we need to show them how the numbers and letters fit the previous grid. I think we should refocus on that.

Vince, do you have kik so we can discuss theories quicker? PM me

They said we found the numbers, and the letters, so I think we have the right strings, its just how to put them on the grid...

Well.. I tried cracking the correct string forwards and backwards, placing it on the grid forward and reverse, checking the spots marked on the grid and I got nothing apart from


Also line 4 can be read


Also last string placed in a grid, written down reads

VYKTANE Lets assume its supposed to be VYKKERS thats also 7 letters

BUEMDYHNI could be an anagram of "UH, BYE MIND" lol
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