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01-30-2017, 04:37 AM
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Outlaw Cutter
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I don't see why those two concepts from Lorne need to be mutually exclusive. The Glukkons run businesses and appeal to the Khanzumers, so some degree of saving face must occur.

There was a quote from the leaked DNC emails this past election that said (paraphrasing) 'when it comes to policy you need to have a public face and a private face'.

This is exactly how I imagine the Glukkons being. Evil as sin in private, and yet still, if an unassuming guy from the streets spoke to them, or they were on a tv interview, the masses would probably believe the bullshit fronts and like them. They'd hide their true intentions as long as doing so means more profit.

That said, does anyone remember that concept art for the 'guess that torture' game show? That to me would imply that the general consumers are aware of, and complicit in, the atrocities committed by the Glukkons. This would change the whole dynamic in my opinion. I personally prefer the idea that it's all happening in the shadows, and the general population are being misinformed and kept in the dark about the true nature of Oddworld, to pacify them.
Frankly, I see no "duplicity" in AO, NnT, AE and MO (the Glukkons seem genuine). Here's another quote from Lanning:

Today, Moolah is the Glukkon faith. The Moolah motto is, ‘Power, Profit, Wealth’. It mirrors the Modokon faith in Spooce, which has the motto, ’Harmony, Humility, Health’.
Long ago, the Glukkons were a superstitious race that dabbled a lot in sorcery and occultism. But eventually things got bad for them and they had a sort of supernatural meltdown (something like dark ages in earth’s history). This event destroyed their ancient culture and nearly wiped them out. As a result they abandoned and outlawed any sort of mystical beliefs and instead they became a very practical and logical minded race. They became pure purveyors of profit. They believed that they’d make Oddworld a better place by providing civilized jobs to the native savages, while in the meantime they’d provide all of the other races with cheaper consumer goods. So ultimately, the Glukkons believe that they are good. They just believe that they are amoungst the few that clearly perceive the harsh realities of nature.'s_this...
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