01-29-2017, 04:07 PM
Outlaw Cutter
: Aug 2003
: 1,239
Rep Power: 22
Except that Lanning would disagree, Lord Vhazen:
Molluck the Glukkon—he’s just a chump in the scheme of things. Sure, he seems like a big guy out here running the third world meat plant but then we come out here and look at DuPont or Proctor and Gamble. Now, you’re going to be an executive at Proctor and Gamble and you’re going to say ‘Very good, welcome aboard! We’re sending you off to… the middle of the Sahara Desert to run our gas line.’ So Molluck is a guy who got shafted out to the third world to manage this factory and he’s just out there until he can afford his house in Lake Como, so to speak. His mother is Lady Margaret, who is a member of the Magog Cartel.
Now, one of the things The X‐Files did beautifully was that as you got closer to what you thought was the core, these people you thought were all‐powerful were just pawns in a game. And I believe that’s how life works. It’s always ‘Follow the money, follow the money.’ Every time you really want to know what’s going on in the world you’ve got to just follow the money. So in Oddworld, I wanted to have more of that invisible transparency, that you just go up and up and up and you think this guy is king and he’s getting browbeaten by the guys that really employ him. Then you find out they’re not at the top of the game, someone has employed them because the world is very mysterious that way in that it hides who’s really in control.
Nathan: (from forum member Nowtun) You’ve touched on this before, but how has your vision of Oddworld changed since 1994 and how do you think it might change in the future?
Lorne: In ’94, I was convinced that… I would call it a more intellectually elite perspective. That is, Man is flawed and there’s not really Good and Evil, as much as there is good and evil behaviour and that the failings of man manifest as greed and corporations and all that stuff. So a big part of my momentum then was trying to get away from this concept of the perfect good guy and the perfectly bad guy; like this fucking Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker thing. Life’s just not like that; it’s way more complicated. Everything is more blurry. It’s not presented to you as evil; it’s presented to you as good and then you have to dig to find out it’s evil.
So, what’s changed to this time is that I’ve learned that there’s more Good and Evil in the world than I would have thought. And I’m going to embed that in to the deeper Oddworld. So where I believed that it’s not about Good and Evil and fuck this Lord of the Rings ‘The Evil guys are gonna…’ crap; you know what, the Glukkons, if you could sit down and have a conversation with one, you’d like the guy. That’s how I wanted to do it then. But then, ultimately, I want to show who everyone’s masters are. And eventually those masters go down. There are scenes in the film I want to do where Mullock, after he fucked up and he’s being taken to the boss and he passes his mom who says “You blew it,” and he has to go down and meet the investors. They live underground; like how I said about how the world is separated. He takes an elevator ride down 1700 storeys and a little midget guys picks you up as an escort, but as you go down and the temperature increases, they’re getting bigger and bigger, while the security guards from up above are dying and sweltering from the heat. So there’s this more mythical idea of what might be pulling the strings. And I want to embrace that in a sort of left-handed, literal way.
In a nutshell, Molluck is/was just a pawn.