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01-29-2017, 12:28 PM
TheParamitePie's Avatar
: Jan 2017
: Kilkeel, Northern Ireland
: 53
Rep Power: 9
TheParamitePie  (19)

I like to imagine how a Glukkon could play if he threw aside his commitment to the Industrial way of life – when there’s no need for restricting suits, all of a sudden those big long arms could allow for some very good mobility.

If Molluck got his own game, it would allow us a good look at the state of Oddworld from the other side and potentially explore the history of the Glukkons too – perhaps Molluck would go on his own oddysee to rediscover his species’ less insidious roots.
Hey this would be awesome. Maybe even the most evil of Glukkon's can have a change of heart!
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