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01-29-2017, 11:47 AM
kjjcarpenter's Avatar
Boombat Seeker
: Apr 2005
: Sydney, Australia
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If Molluck got his own game, it would allow us a good look at the state of Oddworld from the other side and potentially explore the history of the Glukkons too – perhaps Molluck would go on his own oddysee to rediscover his species’ less insidious roots.
Obviously you weren't going to play as a "regular" Glukkon (because what would be the point?). Glukkons were once a spiritual species. In other words, Molluck will have some sort of "psychic abilities" (like the Gloktigi).
I immensly enjoy both of these ideas. It would be like Goku and Vegeta eventually teaming up to fight Frieza!

(... if Vegeta once tried to eat Goku.)

By the way, there was a rumour that Molluck belonged to the "Oddworld Mafia".
I haven't heard of this theory, but I love the idea of Molluck having contraband in his vault. Stuff that could get him in a lot of trouble with mummy Margaret.
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