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01-29-2017, 09:37 AM
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Here's a thought... what if the Vault actually contained a can of Gabbiar? Molluck seems like the kind of Gluckkon that could have snatched a can a few years back and stacked it away for later.

Of course this would make Lulu and the "make Lulu rich" plot useless, which in my opinion wouldn't be a bad thing.
This honestly seems like how the original plot of Munch's Odysee was planned to go down. I shudder to think at the idea of having Molluck as a member of the quintology since in every game taking control of a Glukkon's body has been bearable at best.

I believe that since Molluck's Trial was intended to play a larger role in Munch's Oddysee that the actual plot of the game would've been more focused on Abe and Munch's journey to Ma' Spa with the can of Gabbiar and rescuing Sam from Vykker's Labs, rather than filling the majority of the game with copy/paste missions to get Lulu's Funds up to scratch.

Raid Molluck's Vault for Moolah -> Use Lulu to bid for Gabbiar -> Rescue Sam whilst at Vykker's Labs ->Return Gabbiar to Ma'Spa

Potentially we could see the results of Molluck's Trial leaving him penniless, with the last can of Gabbiar being confiscated with the majority of his funds and put up for auction with the rest of his repossesed property. Abe and Munch venture to Rupturefarms only to find his secret vault which they then use to win the can of Gabbiar.

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