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01-29-2017, 08:37 AM
kjjcarpenter's Avatar
Boombat Seeker
: Apr 2005
: Sydney, Australia
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Here's a thought... what if the Vault actually contained a can of Gabbiar? Molluck seems like the kind of Gluckkon that could have snatched a can a few years back and stacked it away for later.

Of course this would make Lulu and the "make Lulu rich" plot useless, which in my opinion wouldn't be a bad thing.
Was obtaining a can of Gabbier in the original idea for Munch's Oddysee?

Honestly, I like this idea. I imagine it playing out a bit differently, however. Abe, Munch and the Mudokon Resistance sneak into the defunct RuptureFarms and raid Molluck's Vault. All of the wealth is used to fund Lulu's ventures, while the rest is taken by the Resistance and stockpiled. When it comes time for the auction, it turns out Lulu wasn't as successful as they had hoped, and Tex wins the auction, forfeiting the entire wealth of Flubb Fuels. Full of dread and despair, Abe and Munch return home, only to discover a can of Gabbier in Molluck's possessions. How's that for a good ending? They found a can of gabbit eggs and rendered another industry inert! Plus they have a pretty damn rich glukkon at their disposal, which could be their key into Nolybab.

Pure fan-fiction, but it's fun to think about.
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