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01-13-2017, 11:58 PM
kjjcarpenter's Avatar
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: Apr 2005
: Sydney, Australia
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Exactly. Like Nate said, there has been a decline in quality:
I think the problem is that Alf is sardonic by nature, skipping around any actual reveals by poking fun at the content, the audience, or himself. This is entertaining in small doses, but it can become tiresome, especially considering we haven't actually had any new story content in almost twelve years now. Also, his quips so often break the fourth wall, or spin off into unrelated tangeants, that it's hard to decipher the in-universe facts from the meta-fiction.

Of course, Dear Alf is not supposed to be gospel; it's meant to be a fun way for the fans to interact with Oddworld via an informal and cheeky forum. But what can be said at this point that hasn't already been reiterated a thousand times? I'd love to ask a question, but like Varrok, I'd probably need a week to think of one worth anyone's time.

Hopefully with Soulstorm on the way, Alf will have new and interesting content to bounce off and sneakily crticise.
fuck that abe thing put almight rasen to main character!!

Last edited by kjjcarpenter; 01-14-2017 at 01:14 AM..
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