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01-09-2017, 09:58 AM
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A friend of mine used to recommend Nuts N Bolts to me every time we saw it in the game store, and I bought it after like the twelfth time but never got around to playing it. What do you mean about it being better with other people – is it multiplayer, or a game that benefits from a group passing the controller round?
Nuts N Bolts is basically a vehicle creation game, and it's surprisingly very, very deep. Every time the game throws a new challenge at you, you're going to try to create a vehicle that you think will work for it. Your first attempt will probably not work at all, but you'll go back to the drawing board with a decent idea of why it didn't work (too heavy, too light, not aerodynamic enough, too aerodynamic ((yes, that can be an actual problem), too little fuel, wrong weaponry, add retractable wings to switch between ground and sky, that sort of thing. Your second attempt probably still won't work, but it's close. Your third should be serviceable. Come back later in the game with more parts, and better ideas, and you'll destroy the challenge, getting a better time, and more unlocked stuff.

The multiplayer aspect gives you dozens of different race modes to play against other people with their own creations. There's also a sandbox area called the Test O Track where you can hang out with other people, and just dick around in the different things you made. You learn a lot from this mode. Also, you can share vehicle blueprints with friends, which they can improve upon, and share back with you.

The game itself is so goddamn pretty, and there's so much to do in it, I probably spent a solid 150 hours getting 100% in it back in the day.

Yes, Varrok, I played Conker. It's fun, and I guess kind of like the first two Banjo games, but more linear than they were.

My bowels hurt.

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