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01-07-2017, 10:34 AM
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Outlaw Cutter
: Aug 2003
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You don't have to be born when something came out to feel nostalgia about it. I have nostalgia about watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory as a kid in the 90's, and that film was release in the 70's.
As a matter of fact, new people keep discovering AO (even after the release of NnT) and they are enjoying it too. AO isn't outdated. It has aged well because that was Lanning's intent. Moreover, I can't be the only one who, thanks to NnT, is now enjoying AO even more!

Also, you don't need to have played every game in a franchise to "really care" about it. An example would be I'm sure there's lots of people who have only seen The Force Awakens that would say they cared about Star Wars
He really cares about speedrunning (which is why he prefers NnT over AO). Nobody could genuinely argue that "NnT is superior to AO".
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