So over the past five months or so, I played through all of Dark Souls 1 including the DLC and it was fucking great. I loved it. Then I started playing Dark Souls 2, and I didn't love it as much. I tried to go into it with an open mind, because I knew that it got a lot of shit, but it just feels kind of disappointing overall. Not that it didn't have any good moments, because it definitely does, but it just felt lackluster in terms of design and a lot of the bosses. I'm actually very slowly playing through the DLC now and I'm seriously on the verge of just quitting and starting DS3. The DLC is bullshit, man. Not even like the fun type of bullshit either.
It's just boring and aggravating, but I'd feel bad if I was skipping out on some cool bosses. I've beaten the Fume Knight who was fun to fight and have been trying to beat Sir Alonne, who's also really fun. I'm not even going to bother with the stupid recolored Smelter Demon. But right now it barely seems worth it.