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09-21-2016, 04:59 AM
Shade667's Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Sep 2014
: Australia
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Rep Power: 11
Shade667  (196)Shade667  (196)

Really? That's interesting and I'd love to hear why. To me personally the bad physics and animations of New 'N' Tasty just added up to something that was really underwhelming to control and felt really lifeless. When a character runs off of a ledge it's just an immediate drop that feels so horrible whereas in the originals there was a very natural and noticeable arch to a character's fall that varied depending on whether they were running or not. In New 'N' Tasty, no matter whether Abe was running or not he'd drop like a rock which felt so unnatural. It's all about nailing the game feel/kinesthetics and I can't say New 'N' Tasty really did this.
If you run off a ledge you will fall flat on your face/drop straight down. U dont run down a magical staircase. If you wanna talk about bad physics there is your example.

I have zero nostalgia for the originals. I hate how they control, theyre stiff and awkward. But those were probably due to tech limits.

I think New n Tasty is superior to the original Abes oddysey in every way except tone and atmosphere, which doesnt matter to me anyway. Me looking at those gifs and I cant understand whats wrong with the NnT one. It looks how it should. But I have a dated perspective on Abes oddysey. Having not played it until 2011.

But im in the minority on this forum.
PSN: Shade667-
Youtube: TheUltimateShade667
Patience is a virtue.

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