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08-11-2016, 08:18 AM
Fraki's Avatar
: Jul 2016
: England
: 27
Rep Power: 0
Fraki  (41)

Looks great. Sadly I don't have Oddysee on this computer so I can't download and play, but I thoroughly enjoyed watching the playthrough. My favourite type of these custom levels are ones that re-use assets and look like they could genuinely be another part of Rupture Farms we never saw in-game. Feels like playing the 3rd Abe adventure or something. Nothing negative to say really! At some point I'd like to play through it myself.
Ah its a shame you can't play it, but thanks for checking out the videos regardless! Hope you get to play it some day

Wow I will see play that later
Always wanted to give Paul's editor a try but just don't have the time
It doesn't take too long to learn.
Now what DOES take a long time is trying to make it bloody work properly ;___;

i've played it!

i've saved all mudokons! it's really awesome , nice job!
Ayyy congratulations! Glad you liked it~

I don't really play mods, but this one is tempting, because it looks pretty well made.
Thank you! if you do decide to give it a shot, lemme know
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