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08-08-2016, 09:26 AM
Fraki's Avatar
: Jul 2016
: England
: 27
Rep Power: 0
Fraki  (41)
CUSTOM LEVEL: Rupture Farms Redux

Hello everyone! I've been playing around with Paul's level editor for the first time and this is the result of it. Something I'm calling Rupture Farms Redux.

This level is a remix of the original Rupture Farms. My goal was to make a level which would not have seemed out of place in the original Abe's Oddysee. As a result, the level is mostly comprised of reused assets from the original level, which I edited using Photoshop. The result can look weird in some areas, but in others can work very well! I tried to make the level fair and challenging, though perhaps too challenging in some of the secret areas.

I hope you enjoy it! Please let me know what you think, what could be better, if you want me to make more, if you want me to kill myself, etc.




Full play-through (With all secrets shown)

Normal play-through (With no secrets shown)
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