A recurring thing with dragons is how they're a walking mass of destruction though. There were a scourge of the land. Even the tamed dragons the Targaryans used to conquer Westeros were dangerous, hence the Dragon Pit and their extinction. If we're supposed to buy that Dany now has perfect control over Drogon then that's bullshit.
And the Tyrion stuff with the dragons was bullshit too. It goes against everything we've been told about them. According to Dany when she's flying Drogon, when you want a dragon to steer left you whip to the left, because a dragon's first instinct is to attack. I'm sad we didn't get Frogman in the show, because his misadventures with the dragons was really great.
But hey maybe I'm applying too much book logic to the show.
Also is anyone else confused at how they took a legendary figure from the book - the Night's King - and applied a similar name to a completely different character for the Whitewalker leader dude? Kind of like they're doing with Coldhands? Martin explicitly confirmed that Coldhands wasn't Benjen in the book. Also the three-eyed crow in the show isn't the Targaryan bastard Brynden Rivers while it's pretty certain, if not confirmed, that it's him in the book.