I figured they're gonna run into some problems with the dragons at some point or another. I thought it was quite foreboding how Danaerys is talking about how special and important all the horsemen are before her, sitting on top of a shifty looking dragon she's previously been shown unable to control. I figure she could spend at least a proportion of the remainder of this series dealing with Drogon charring part of her army/dishevelled masses.
Also, they still haven't addressed what she's going to do with the cities she's taken on Essos (Meereen obviously being the main one), I mean her plan is to get rich and fuck off to join the affray in Westeros, but she's still obsessed with maintaining her control over this cluster-fuck city in Essos as well. I'm assuming she can't have both...perhaps she'll stick Varys in control of it or something? Maybe set it up as a client city-state.
Also, the fuck is going on with the Faith Militant and Margaery? Tommen is a weak lil shit and I can see him succumbing to the High Sparrow, but Margaery literally an episode or two ago talked about how she and her brother had to stay strong against the Faith Militant. So, who really knows, maybe she's outplanning everyone.
Also who the fuck is Benjen and why is he important?
Also who the fuck is Edmure and why is he important?
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.