Name: Mildred
Played By: Slog Bait
Species: Vykker
Faction: Industrial Magog Cartel
Age: Super Fricken Old
Gender: Hermaphrodite (im gonna use female pronouns for her)
Appearance: Take your standard vykker, put it in semi formal attire at all times with a sun hat or an equivalent of, inject a shitload of botox and pull back all the skin that typically sags, throw on some makeup that actually compliments a vykker's facial features, and you have Mildred.
Her outfits change frequently, and when she's on a "mission" she tends to dress in more armour-like OFFICIAL BUSINESS garb. And also a sun hat or equivalent of.
---A Satchel with:
- A handgun (clip contains 13 rounds)
- Surgical equipment (namely surgical scissors, a scalpel, gauze, suture)
- Moolah, both paper and plastic
- A pack of Lung Busters she never smokes
Personality: A quick-thinking silver-tongued cosmetic surgeon of the Magog Cartel, Mildred is exceptional at her work. The only thing in the world more important to her than herself is the money she makes through "beautifying" the ugly schmucks that walk into her office and her tiny garden in her window. She's a bit of a racist toward several native-aligned species, but despite her obvious prejudice will work with the other party if there's any reason for her to believe it's beneficial and will even show respect towards natural leaders and powerful figures regardless of alignment or species after first impressions.
Mildred is much more of a talker than a fighter. If she can, she'll avoid physical conflict at all cost in favour of coming to some sort of agreement or understanding with the other party. However, she keeps herself armed at all times and is very adept at using guns, as well as crippling a potential attacker in defense using her surgical tools so long as she has an understanding of the attacking species anatomy.
History: Her past before the conflict was simple enough. An artist with a vision born into the upper class, went through medical school, graduated with flying colours, and quickly rose to the top as a certified surgeon of the Vykker's Conglomerate. For a while, she did standard surgical procedures. Heart transplant here, removing a tumour there, occasionally amputating a rotting limb, etc. The demand for cosmetic surgeons rose while she was practicing, so she switched focus to appeal to the masses and finally allow herself to do something she was genuinely interested in. It was a roaring success, and moolah was pouring in by the hundred thousands. After a few decades, the Magog Cartel had offered her a position in one of their experimental facilities in the surface levels of Nolybab, offering more opportunities for her as a vykker and even more annual moolah. Her life couldn't have been more perfect, being able to see how she transformed the fleshy masses that trudged into her office and being paid handsomely for her work.
Everything was wonderful.. until one day taxes began to skyrocket and stocks began to crash. Several chain businesses in the area started shutting down, her favourite shops closing, and the local markets were severely low in stock. She never paid much attention to the news, and had only heard whispers in passing about a war with the native fauna that surrounded the cities, but it was becoming increasingly more and more apparent to her something serious was going on and not your average run of the mill occasional labouror causing a small fuss. Everything was falling into disarray so Mildred quickly withdrew the majority of her fortune and stashed it in a place she believed to be far safer than if she'd left it all in the banks. Her business quickly began failing because no one could afford the luxury as of late, and the funding for the facility she worked at began to dwindle.
In an attempt to keep the facility open and her program going, she volunteered to help the Cartel in any way possible regarding the native-industrial conflict, to which she was appointed to oversee certain operations and assist in delivering and occasionally escorting supplies to cities and towns all across Mudos. Additionally, she was told to cease all cosmetic surgery operations and, for the duration of her volunteer work, she was to only to perform life or death defining surgeries on important figures assigned to her by the Cartel.
Strength: 1
Dexterity: 8
Constitution: 1
Intelligence: 8
Wisdom: 1
Charisma: 5